The data warehouse is the data environment that can be used as the single integrated source of data for processing information. 数据仓库是一种数据环境,是用于信息处理的单一和综合的数据源。
The integrated adjustment and data processing based on the three dimensional observations of total station device 基于全站仪观测数据的三维平差模型及数据处理
The four key steps to realize this gauge integrated with DSP were data acquisition, data processing, data display and keyboard control. 指出完成数据采集和数据处理,显示和键盘控制是实现该基于DSP的一体化光纤应变测量仪的重要环节。
The s detecting structure instrument of the roof rock is integrated in the pneumatic bolt drill and data processing is adopted BP algorithm of mature net to identify the structure. 其中,顶板岩层结构探测仪是集成在风动锚杆钻机上,数据处理采用训练成熟的BP算法神经网络进行结构的识别;
Integrated technique for NOAA Satellite IR data processing system applied to earthquake monitoring 热红外极轨卫星地震监测系统综合技术研究
The implementation is mainly divided into four parts: data acquisition from navigation transducers, design of computerized communication unit, setting up of a local network, and software development of integrated data processing and display. 系统实现工作分为航海信息采集、通信机研制、LAN组网以及LAM上数据综合管理和显示软件设计等四部分。
Study on Computer Integrated Data Processing System 计算机集成数据处理系统研究
Integrated with such functions like workpiece inspecting, data processing and error repairing in an machining center, its machining productivity, the precision rate have been improved greatly, and the waster has been decreased. 实现了工件测量、数据处理、误差校正控制和加工一体化,大大提高了加工中心生产率和工件加工精度,降低了废品率。
In the course of its development, MIS has undergone the stages of data processing, integrated data processing and systematic data processing. 在其发展过程中经历了单项数据处理阶段、数据综合处理阶段和数据系统处理阶段。
Traffic stream Three Parameter s Integrated Survey Method and Data Processing 交通流三参数一体化观测及其数据处理
Sensor nodes are equipped with integrated sensors, limited data processing capabilities and short-range radio communications. 每个传感器结点还应具有独立的感应装置,有限的数据处理能力,小范围的无线电通讯能力。
Web information retrieval is integrated with artificial intelligence, data mining, natural language processing, computer network, database technology, etc. Web信息检索是一个集人工智能、数据挖掘、自然语言处理、数据库技术、计算机网络等于一体的综合技术。
Under the environment of mechanical desktop ( MDT), an integrated software system of 3D modeling and model data processing for rapid prototyping was dealt with. 基于MDT软件环境,开发了面向快速原型(RP)的数据处理与三维造型一体化软件系统。
The real time integrated photographic survey and data processing based on the airborne LiDAR 基于机载三维激光扫描的实时一体化摄影测量及数据处理
This paper implements an integrated IP telephony gateway, and analyses data processing of IP telephony gateway. 提出了一种集成式IP电话网关的体系结构,分析了IP电话网关的数据处理过程;
The support system of large octagonal Nd: glass is optimized with integrated optomechanical analysis method based on the new data processing interface. 基于新的数据处理接口,利用光机集成分析方法对大口径八边形钕玻璃片的支撑系统结构设计参数进行优化。
Development and application of opening computer integrated data processing system 开放式计算机集成数据处理系统研制及应用
Study on improving integrated navigation data processing of double inertial navigation system 双惯导改善导航性能的组合数据研究
The distributed system structure and integrated multi-layer data processing in software account for success of the system with satisfying performances in real operation. 得益于这种分布式系统结构以及分层数据处理方式,系统在实际运行中表现出了良好的性能。
Grid mapping will obtain its new vitality and modern functions when integrated with remotely sensed pixel imagery, and data processing technologies such as quad tree and triangulated network. 以遥感像元数据为基础,结合四分树、三角网等数据处理技术的网格地图获得了新的活力和现代功能。
Base on the digital video technique the paper has been referred, we developed remote digital video weighting and monitoring system based on principle of system integration and scale optimizing, and integrated with techniques of video data processing, computer networking and software development. 文中还在所述数字图像技术的基础上综合采用视频数据处理技术、计算机网络和软件开发技术,基于系统集成和规模优化原则,研制和实施了石家庄钢铁有限公司称重计量物流信息管理系统。
Based on Windows developing platform, the article designs a visual and highly integrated gravity and magnetic data processing system using object oriented language Visual C++. 作者在文中采用Windows开发平台的面向对象程序设计语言Visualc++,设计开发了可视化和高度集成化的重磁数据处理系统。
Using this system we can share different GPR system data resources, the integrated management of GPR data, information processing techniques and visualizing of ultimate results based on Microsoft Windows operation system. 可以进行不同雷达系统资源的共享,雷达数据的集成管理,多方法的信息处理技术以及基于Windows界面的成果可视化。
For the software is integrated with data acquisition, processing and calibration, efficiency of the measurement can be greatly enhanced. 由于系统集数据采集、处理及标定为一体,大大提高了测量效率。
The whole system consists of host computer PC, integrated data processing terminal, wireless data acquisition terminal etc.. 整个系统由上位机PC、综合数据处理终端、无线数据采集终端等几部分组成。
We also designed the related data processing software, integrated data acquisition system for collecting data for processing. 同时还编写了相关的数据处理软件,对数据集成系统采集的数据进行处理。
Finally, these results have been applied to the integrated strong motion seismograph and a real-time EEW data processing system has been developed which can be directly used for "On-site" EEW. 最后将这些统计结果应用到了一体化强震仪中,研发出了一套实时地震预警数据处理系统,可以直接用于现地地震预警。
Experimental results show that technology of GNSS integrated data processing could obtain correct trajectory of satellites, from which would reflect its true operating status more accurately. 实验结果表明,采用GNSS融合数据处理技术能获得准确的运行轨迹,多模观测数据融合处理能更精确反映真实运行状态。
By analyzing integrated navigation system data acquisition and processing needs, FPGA and DSP have been chosen as navigation computer, and design details of FPGA function modules, FPGA and DSP hardware circuit and software process have been given. 通过分析组合导航系统数据采集与处理需求,选择了FPGA与DSP组合作为导航计算机,设计了FPGA功能模块、FPGA与DSP系统硬件电路及软件流程。
XML ( extensible Markup Language), a integrated tool for data collection, storage, transmission and processing, provides a common data structure for the data exchange between various applications, and has been widely used in various fields. 可扩展标记语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)集数据表示、存储、传输和处理为一体,为不同应用程序之间的数据交换提供了一种通用的格式,在各领域得到了广泛的应用。